General Transition Resources
Disability Resources from the U.S. Department of Labor
O*NET Online
The O*NET OnLine website has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals and students. It can be an invaluable resource in the development of a student’s vocational goals.
Going to College
This website contains information about living in college life with a disability. It's designed for high school students and provides video clips, activities and additional resources that can help you get a head start in planning for college.
Accredited Schools for Students with Disabilities
This guide was put together to help disabled students and their parents better understand their rights and responsibilities in regard to a postsecondary education. You will also find useful tips and information for locating the college or university program that best suits your needs.
Think College (College Options and Resources for Students with Intellectual Disabilities)
Think College is designed to provide resources and strategies, let you know about training events, and give you ways to talk to others. The information is for transition-aged students as well as adults attending or planning for college. It provides resources and tools for students, families, and professionals.
Mass Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative
Funded by the Commonwealth since 2007, the Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative offers grants to college-school partnerships to support eligible public high school students with intellectual disabilities, ages 18-22, to increase their academic and career success by being included in a college or university community of learners.
Independent Living and Medical Assistance
Mass Options
Empower you to make informed choices by making access to community services and supports easier. Trained specialists from Mass Options give you fast, personalized attention. All you need to do is tell them about yourself or what you need to live independently.
MetroWest Center for Independent Living
MetroWest Center for Independent Living: TAP- Transition to Adulthood Program is specialized to work with young adults with disabilities who will be transitioning out of high school. Our mission is to work directly with young adults, help them determine their goals and find pathways to achieving these goals.
BenePLAN Team
BenePLAN assists individuals with disabilities — in particular those who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) — to understand how working and earning or increasing wages impacts these and other public benefits.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Be prepared for your next medical appointment. Create a list of questions that you can take with you whether you are getting a checkup, talking about a problem or health condition, getting a prescription, or discussing a medical test or surgery. Whatever the reason for your visit, it is important to be prepared. With the QuestionBuilder app, it's easy.
A Young Person's Guide to Health Care Transition A Young Person’s Guide to Health Care Transition, published January 2017, is about making the transition from pediatric to adult health care. This brief will review topics youth should consider around transitioning to adult health care, living a healthy lifestyle, and paying for health care.
Transition Related IEP Information
Parent Center Hub- A Parent's Guide to Age of Majority
Getting Ready for When Your Teen Reaches the Age of Majority: A Parent’s Guide
AANE LifeMAP for Teens
Transition to college or work life is daunting for all high school graduates. Teens with the unique strengths and challenges of those with AS can benefit from individualized work with a LifeMAP Coach. Learning to work with, and request help from, adults outside the family is an essential survival skill for independence. As a result, we have developed LifeMAP for Teens (ages 16 to 22). Through this one-on-one coaching model, our objective is to reduce the stress of living as a teen with AS as we build skills to help navigate the transition to adulthood.
Sped Child Mass Summer Camp List (SPED Child and Teen - Disability Camps, Workshops and Events in Greater Massachusetts)
Teen Life Boston
This website, Teen Life Boston, provides information on a host of summer programs, jobs and internships, volunteer opportunities, college admissions and local resources.
Self-determination, guardianship and supported decision making