Community Service Opportunties

Click here to see our Database of available Service Opportunities managed by Natick High School.

Click here if YOU wish to have a Service Opportunity Posted in our Database.

Looking for more ideas, check out the "Serve Natick" Website created by students of the community.

Requirement Explanation:

Natick High School currently has a 30-Hour Community Service Component as part of the graduation requirements:

1. Choose a site and project.  If you need suggestions, please see your Guidance Counselor or Mr. Nardi – the Career Counselor.

2. Print out the Community Service Tracking Form by clicking the link – Community Service Form.  

3. Complete the top section of the form and bring it to your supervisor.  If you are participating with an organization advertised here or on our list of Non-Profit Organizations – you can go directly to do your hours once you and a parent/guardian have signed the form

4. Upon completing your community service experience, the Site Liaison (supervisor) will sign off on the number of hours you have completed during the corresponding dates.

5. Once the form is completed in full, you should either take a picture of, or scan the form and email it directly to your guidance counselor.  We will no longer be accepting hard copies of this form.  This will help to create a digital record for both you and your counselor.  Once you have completed your 30-hours, please check the box at the top of the form indicating that you have finished your hours.

Another great place to search for Community Service Opportunities is through:

The Natick Service Council

Making a Difference Through Volunteering 

& Nonprofit Careers (article)