Mathematics Department Course Objectives
This document contains objectives of the courses offered by the Mathematics Department at Natick High School. Objectives are drawn from, which is based on the Common Core Curriculum. We follow the CCC in all courses where it exists. In non-CCC course, we follow the Advanced Placement syllabus for that course. Since the CCC is the same for any Algebra I course, for example, both levels of the Algebra I course will have the same objectives. The pacing, level of teacher support and level of nuance within the CCC topics may be different in the different levels of a single course.
Algebra I (10 and 11)
Geometry (20, 21 and 22)
Algebra II (30, 31, 32)
Advanced Algebra (42)
Precalculus Honors (40)
Precalculus Level One (41)
AP Statistics
Introduction to Calculus
Calculus (50, AB, BC)